Let the Ripple Begin

 And so it begins. I type to a screen knowing one day a future employee or future self will see the journey along the way. I have given this blog thought over the past two years and now I am ready to put keys to fingers (pen to paper analogy). The goal of this blog is to become a living-breathing artifact of more than just my project management journey, it is also a place for reflection and openness into how my career bleeds into more than a weekly paycheck. Being a project manager I wanted to introduce something different than an article of how to's (there are plenty of these on the interwebs). I wanted to cross a boundary where projects and a spiritual walk are formed through not just work, but the teams I am blessed to work with, the personal growth I experience by choosing this field work and the strength I get from my spiritual being that helps me glue all of this together into an amazing master piece. 

Now that the introduction is said. To have personal accountability here is what I am going to do:

1. I am going to start with the most current project and then work backwards because it will take some time to reflect and gather my memories of the past

2. I am going to post written testimonies about my work. I will create a section for these but will also put them alongside the work in which they were birthed

3. I am going to allow emotions to be transparent. Being a project manager, mom and wife there is a lot of emotion that I carry. I carry emotion for my family but also for my teams and I want a space to be open about this

4. I want to give a brief summary of my biggest lessons learned a long the way. This is why I named the blog The Ripple Effect. Lessons are experiences and we are nothing but a giant pool of experiences. They shape who we are and who we are to become

5. I want to document how I bring value to this world, my employer, and how this grows my walk

6. I want to include artifacts, images, screens shots of my work for future sharing to whoever the door is led to share with

I am looking forward to this new chapter. If you are reading this in the future, just know that I did not tread lightly on the decision to write this blog. I hope it brings you insight into a project managers' day to day, but I wish even more that it brings you insight into loving people, understanding people, team dynamics, life's stressors, etc. If you are reading this you will know that I am a strong, marketable, highly empathetic woman with a focus on servant leading others.
